Administrative Law
Administrative law is the law that governs those who exercise public power in relation to others, in a non-criminal law context. This power is exercised primarily pursuant to legislative authority implemented pursuant to the democratic process.
Administrative law is of great importance in Canada. It has grown in importance over the past several decades, as the role of government after World War II to occupy virtually all aspects of civil life. As was stated by the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Wholesale Travel Group Inc., [1991] 3 SCR 154 at 221, per Cory J.:
It is difficult to think of an aspect of our lives that is not regulated for our benefit and for the protection of society as a whole. From cradle to grave, we are protected by regulations; they apply to the doctors attending our entry to the world and to the morticians present at our departure. Every day, from waking to sleeping, we profit from regulatory measures which we often take for granted. On rising, we use various forms of energy whose safe distribution and use are governed by regulation. The trains, buses and other vehicles that get us to work are regulated for our safety. The food we eat and the beverages we drink are subject to regulation for the protection of our health.
Administrative bodies have certain duties to those affected by their conduct and their decisions. If you have having trouble with a public body, contact our offices to learn more about your rights and possible steps that may be taken.